Inter-Sol Co., Ltd. with its management and employees, upholds the protection of personal information appropriately and in a secured way.
It carefully protects and properly manages all personal information obtained from clients and thus aspires to be a company that enjoys the full confidence of its clients and the public.
All of the company’s directors and employees understand the significance of a Privacy Policy and to ensure the appropriate handling of personal information, all shall exert every effort to consistently protect such information.

1. Collection, Use and Dissemination of Personal Information
To ensure the proper protection of personal information, collection of such information must be clear in purpose and conducted to the minimum necessary for such purpose.
The company shall not use or disseminate any personal information other than its designated purposes.
2. Risk Contro l and Correction
The company shall exert every effort in a reasonable manner to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, as well as loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of such personal information.
This security measure shall also be reviewed on a regular basis.
3. Conforming to Regulations
The company shall conform / comply with all laws and regulations pertaining to the handling of personal information.
4. Continuous Improvement of the Management System
To ensure that personal information is kept accurate and secured, the company shall maintain a company-wide system of management and protection of such information.
As well, such management system shall be subject to internal audit, the rules and processes of which shall be continuously improved.

May 1, 2013
Inter-Sol Co.,Ltd.